Author:imageAM Pure Services


Dryer vents are among the most overlooked components in a home-cleaning exercise. At AM Pure Services, however, we have a special knack for attention to detail. When you order our cleaning services, we cover every inch of the home that needs special cleaning attention including dryer vents. Imagine what would happen if a rainy or cold season caught you with a broken dryer. Not only would you end up with limited options to keep your body warm but also have to foot higher power bills. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of this! To avert such a crisis, AM Pure cleaning technicians have stepped up to help you out. Our techs will guarantee the efficiency of your dryer by professionally cleaning its vents. When working on any dryer vent-cleaning project, our techs strive to: • Ensure your dryer machine is in good working order • Enhance the machine’s efficiency • Give the dryer machine a prolonged lifespan

Why you should not overlook your dryer vent

if you didn’t know, nearly half of all the lint produced when drying your clothes bypasses the filter and ends up trapped inside the dryer exhaust vent. When left unchecked for a while, the lint ends up clogging the vent. A clogged vent essentially undermines the performance of your dryer machine. This means that your clothes will take longer than usual to dry. Apart from resulting in serious delays, this menace can also drive up your dryer’s energy costs significantly. Worse still, severe vent clogging might be a fire hazard. How is that? When the hot air produced by the dryer fails to find a clear escape passage, the machine becomes hot, which means that it might start a fire easily. This is because lint is highly flammable. So, what should you do? The hose and pipe of your dryer vent should undergo annual cleaning to sustain efficiency while mitigating the risk of fire.

Contact us immediately if:

• Laundry won’t dry in one load cycle • Drying results in clothes that are too hot to touch • The laundry room or area gets too hot • The vent stays closed when the dryer is running • The lint screen fails to trap any lint • Your dryer goes off without warning

Why us?

When you order our dryer vent cleaning services at AM Pure, you get advanced dryer vent cleaning solutions. By applying ultramodern state-of-the-art cleaning tools, our technicians are able to clean your dryer vents effortlessly. After moving your dryer machine away from the walls, we then insert a drill brush into the vent pipe. As the brush runs through the vent, it loosens every lint, dirt, and debris in its way. Next, we connect the dryer duct to a powerful blower to drive out all the lint and dirt residue still lying inside. Besides vent cleaning, we also clean the areas inside the dryer where lint is also likely to collect.
